mércores, 11 de decembro de 2019

Morituri te salutant - The Malta Independent (10/11/2015)

Morituri te salutant - The Malta Independent (10/11/2015) | Latinismos na prensa | Scoop.itThe phrase, “Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant" was the form of greeting invoked by all gladiators to the Roman Emperor before they engaged in combat in the public arena. In English, it is translated as "Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you". The economy of words of the Latin Language makes it possible for a long expression to be encapsulated in one simple word “morituri”. This Latin word is the crux of the whole sentence. The Latin author Suetonius mentions this Latin phrase in De Vita Caesarum or "The Life of the Caesars".  (...)

Fonte |  Independent

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Cogito,ergo sum - La Voz de Galicia (18/10/2020)

(..) Esta nueva normalidad (asimismo un signo lingüístico descalabrado), que ha supuesto, ahora sí, un descalabro verdadero, o sea, gnoseoló...