martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

Sit tibi terra levis - IMR (11/12/18)

(...) We are grateful to Lyudmila Mikhailovna for her invaluable contribution to the human rights movement both in Russia and in the rest of the world, for saving many lives, for her generosity and kindness, and for her genuine humanity. Sit tibi terra levis, Lyudmila Mikhailovna. You will be greatly missed.

Fonte | IMR

Ningún comentario:

Cogito,ergo sum - La Voz de Galicia (18/10/2020)

(..) Esta nueva normalidad (asimismo un signo lingüístico descalabrado), que ha supuesto, ahora sí, un descalabro verdadero, o sea, gnoseoló...