luns, 9 de decembro de 2019

Curriculum vitae - Daily Mail (10/03/2016)

(...) 'The CV stuff is a big part of what I am paying for,' Simone said. Her parting words to me were: 'Your four will miss out if you don't get clued up.' I realised she was right; it's never too early to start working on your child's CV - before they can even read or write, and definitely before they can spell 'curriculum vitae. (...)

Fonte | Daily Mail

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Cogito,ergo sum - La Voz de Galicia (18/10/2020)

(..) Esta nueva normalidad (asimismo un signo lingüístico descalabrado), que ha supuesto, ahora sí, un descalabro verdadero, o sea, gnoseoló...