martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

Vox populi - BBC News (18/12/13)

So there I was, stalking the streets of Richmond in south west London, interviewing shoppers about plans to expand nearby Heathrow airport.
In the journalistic trade, it is known as a vox pop, short for vox populi, Latin for the voice of the people. In practice, it is an unscientific collection of unrepresentative views that helps us illustrate what at least some people are thinking. (...)


Ningún comentario:

Cogito,ergo sum - La Voz de Galicia (18/10/2020)

(..) Esta nueva normalidad (asimismo un signo lingüístico descalabrado), que ha supuesto, ahora sí, un descalabro verdadero, o sea, gnoseoló...